Arroyo Grande, California

The Season of Pentecost

Pentecost was celebrated on May 28 when we remembered the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the disciples who were gathered in Jerusalem. The same word, Pentecost, is used for a season in the church calendar. It lasts nearly half of the year. Over the course of this season we will have several message series and emphases.

The message series that begins in early June is "Disciples". As Jesus gathered the twelve, they followed Him. That is the first way we can be disciples of Jesus too, by following Him. Where is He leading, how is He guiding?

The word disciple is a follower who learns from the master. Simply walking behind Jesus and watching and listening to Him allowed those whom He called to learn. He taught them directly too, instructing
them to know who He was/is and His purpose. Jesus teaches us - in His word - to understand who He is and his purposes for us.

Those same initial disciples were given responsibilities and sent into the mission that Jesus had for them. After the ascension of Jesus, they became Apostles - a word that means "sent ones". They had a mission to carry out that was led by Jesus and empowered by the Holy Spirit. The mission continues through the Church - followers of Jesus who are active in the world today!

Jesus calls us to be disciples, to follow and learn and grow in our faith. The Spirit of God empowers us to believe in Jesus and to be followers. Disciples continue to carry out the mission that Jesus gave - to make disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:18-20).

As we gather and worship our Lord, we'll learn more about the call and practice of following Jesus and being disciples in the real world, in our time and in this place. Join in, let's follow!