Peace Lutheran Infant Care Center Now Enrolling

Our Infant Care Center is Now Enrolling

Ages 6 weeks to 24 months

Hours of operation: 8:30 AM drop off, 4:30PM pick up.

Full time enrollment only; Monday - Friday

Tuition is $1,300.00 per month.  An annual registration fee of $150.00 is also required in advance. CAPSLO compensation is accepted.

Our Infant Care Center is licensed for 12 children and we have a 1:4 teacher child ratio. Infant Care parents must provide all food, diapers and wipes for their child(ren).

Our Philosophy as a church and a school is built around the idea of being the hands and feet of Jesus. 

Serving and honoring God by providing a safe and morally grounded school and infant care center during the week for the children of our community is just one part of our Mission.  Enriching Lutheran Church services on the weekend for the whole family is another important Mission component. 

In other words, the Peace Lutheran Church and Preschool Mission is to be an outreach service to our community for all ages to provide the needed support, love, education and nurturing care we all need.

Although our hearts for all children are to stay with their parents for as long as possible, for some people this is just not feasible. It is not financially possible for some parents to stay home, so we want to prioritize and offer a safe and loving environment revolving around Christ for these families.

Our Purpose is to support parents in the Christian nurturing process and to provide a setting where their little ones will be free to explore their environment. In addition to our Preschool Program, the Infant Care Program includes several trained and certified caregivers who provide guidance in daily activities in which infant enrollees will be able to experience safe and healthy growth while away from their families.

Our goal is to provide a warm and caring atmosphere…a place where you can feel confident when leaving your infant or preschool-aged child in our safe and secure facility.

We provide a developmentally appropriate environment in which each child can grow spiritually, emotionally, socially, intellectually and physically.

Please visit PLAYGROUND to register your interest or to add your information to the Waiting list.  If your questions remain unanswered after reviewing our website, please feel free to call our Preschool Director at (805-489-9644).