Arroyo Grande, California

Nothing Separates us from God’s Love

 Romans 8:38-39 – For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

I love these verses for the promise and comfort that they convey. The Apostle Paul, who faced persecution and hardship for the gospel, was convinced that the love of God would not and could not be taken away from him. 

Living far from where my family and childhood friends are can make those relationships feel less connected. But when I get to visit, or a loved one comes to see us, the miles and separation vanish, and we can step right into the bond we have shared. Distance and time do not take away the love that we have. 

There are times when God feels close to us. There are times when God feels farther away. There are times we experience joy and everything seems to be going our way. There are times we face hardships of many kinds and everything seems to be against us. During the good times, it’s tempting to imagine we are in control of our lives and the good we experience is from our own efforts. During the hard times, it’s common to cast blame on other people, our circumstances, or even God for what we have to endure. 

On both ends of the spectrum, Paul’s understanding is important – nothing separates us from God’s love. Neither the good nor the bad has the power to do that. The love of Jesus is the greatest gift we can receive. What we do cannot earn it. What we do cannot make God withhold it. No person or power, no current or future event, nothing in creation can take God’s love from us. 

You and I are loved by the Son of God, Jesus, the Savior. Nothing can change that fact.