Arroyo Grande, California


Many of us probably remember the song “Signs” by Five Man Electrical Band or the band Tesla (a 90s band, before it was a car brand). In the lyrics of the chorus, it asked the question, “can’t you read the sign?” We rely on signs to give information and directions. We depend on signs to help us navigate, even in the era of ubiquitous GPS. We need signs. 

Our current sermon series uses the same title, Signs. Each week we are considering a sign, mostly that we can see while in a car. Road signs, information signs, speed limit signs… we see so many signs! Earlier in the chorus, the song lyrics are “Sign, sign, everywhere a sign...” and that line feels about right. We see signs “everywhere.” 

The season of Epiphany is also about signs. Jesus’ identity is revealed through various signs that point toward who He is. The star the Magi followed. The miracles He performed. The authority and knowledge He displayed while teaching His disciples or the masses. The Transfiguration, in which Jesus is declared to be the Son of God – words also heard at His baptism. 

Epiphany is from the Greek ε̉πιφαναίω, which has four meanings: 

1 – to cause something to be seen, show 

2 – to provide illumination, to give light to 

3 – to make one’s presence known, become apparent 

4 – show oneself, make an appearance 

We can use the same term with the meaning of either sudden or more gradual understanding or knowledge of something. “I had an epiphany” is often used with sudden realization in mind. 

In the Gospel narratives, Jesus is revealed. His nature, purpose, and identity are recognized by a select few people. Most of the time, even His disciples are unaware of who He really is. But we have the benefit of the Holy Spirit, who gives us faith. And of Scripture from which we can learn. For many of us, sudden realization of Jesus’ identity is not how we know Him. But we learned and grew in our faith. For others, Jesus is revealed to us in an encounter that changes our lives. 

Whatever your story of faith may include, let’s gather each week through the season of Epiphany to remember how Jesus is revealed, how we know Him, and how we can see the signs of who He is. Let’s follow Him like the Magi followed the star. Let’s shine our light in this world to help others see Jesus.